I have had a criterion channel account for about 5-6 years now. It’s my favorite streaming service due to the endless amount of incredible films its houses. I haven’t used it for some time due to being busy but haven’t cancelled it because (not exaggerating) there’s like 20 or so friends, maybe more, who use my account regularly. From filmmaker friends to cinephiles, it’s nice knowing they put it to good use and it feels great to provide that access since I’m able.
Funny story — I saw my ex recently and she mentioned that her new roommate (who used to date my friend) were sitting down to watch a movie together.
They turned on the tv and logged into criterion channel to find it was on MY account, so even after the breakup, my friend’s ex has access to watch great films, which I’m cool with haha!
I‘m a big supporter of criterion but not everyone can afford it so highly recommend sharing logins where you can!