1 Pastries and hot chocolate from The Tiny Bakery - the baker down the road from me is so good is has queues down the street on Saturdays. every year at Christmas it does Terry’s Orange Hot Chocolate and I love it so much. My favourite order atm is: Orange hot choc, Bombay potato slice, iced bun.
2 charity shop wander. Also down the road from me are five charity shops, two for clothes and bits, 2 for books, 1 for music. A little wander and picking up a couple of second hand things is a wonderful treat.
3 flowers, I am blessed and cursed to live near to Bloom Project, a brilliant florists with gorgeous modern flower arrangements. I cant often afford it but this week my partner got me a bouquet. Flowers in general are a treat I love to have.
4 new books. pretty much the only physical thing I buy new these days are hardback books of writers I love as soon as they’ve come out.
5 takeaway. At the moment our favourite is from Chutneys: matar paneer side, chana dal side, aloo gobi side, pilau rice, paratha.