The cold wind on my face, blown in from the slit of the taxi window is bliss — a silver lining that smells like Paris and freedom from the stale plane air. My head rests in the nook between the car seat and window bathing in it. 
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Nov 11, 2024

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Kinda comfy feeling you get to wait with others read your book and play on your phone. kinda exhausting especially connecting flights but feels like your on an adventure:))
Feb 4, 2024
Getting there is half the fun? No, it makes you wish you never left. But once you’ve left behind the anguished purgatory of the plane, with its environmental guilt, dehydration, viral anxiety, literal butthurt, and inescapable vortex of human sounds and smells, you can be wherever you are. After, that is, you pass through the gauntlet of physical and moral tests that constitute the airport and then endure the inevitable car ride that extends your agony in a miniature simulacrum of the flight. But then, finally, like primitive man in his edenic state, you are once again free - free! - to enjoy the bounty that is our birthright as thinking, feeling organisms. Until you have to get on the plane again - where a part of you will always remain, trapped, suffering, tainting your enjoyment with the knowledge that freedom as a concept can only exist in the context of a larger captivity. But try to have fun anyway!
Apr 20, 2024
Catching an afternoon flight is just the best, you don't feel guilty grabbing food at the airport for dinner and then when you get there you can justify going right to bed.
May 8, 2024

Top Recs from @IndieDreams

Ingredients: 🍞 1 loaf flat Turkish bread (but really, any bread) 🧄 1 garlic clove 🍅 1 tomato (dealer's choice) 🧀 1 fresh mozzarella (the one in water, burrata if you're feeling ✨fancy✨) 🫒 Extra virgin olive oil 🌿 Basil 🧂 Salt Method: 1. Slice that bread, toast it in your favourite way (I go face down in a pan until crispy inside, soft outside). 2. Cut the garlic in half and rub it all over the bread for a *touch* of garlic flavour. 3. Grate the tomato (I use a cheese grater) and spread on the bread in a thick layer. 4. Slice up the mozzarella into discs and place on top of tomato. 5. Basil and olive oil to taste. Salt if you want the salty. Optional, but delicious additions I've tried: - Thinly sliced prosciutto - avocado - any kind of pickles - roast peaches - dukkah - leafy greens - eggs of any kind Can also be: - a fun caprese salad sans bread - a solid sandwich - a bruschetta if you make it 🤏 tiny
Nov 8, 2024
I admittedly didn't buy your cookbook to learn about you or your philosophy — I just wanted that one recipe I read in the store. But now, before I even get to the sticky chilli fish, I'm here absorbed in your foreword and it's love
Nov 12, 2024