fast fashion is a blight upon the planet!!!! i reckon that mending & making ur own stuff is one of the most ethical and sustainable things you can do. and it’s honestly so cheap compared to buying new stuff, particularly if you can find 2nd hand materials. & it also just feels very satisfying and nourishing!! & what an incredible outlet for self expression wow…. i made some ridiculous pants out of a bizarrely shaped pillow case i found in an op shop the other day, which i have worn so many times already, and i’m making my own curtains too……. very excited
Nov 11, 2024

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dyed some clothes, sewed new buttons on others. I’m frequenting the the cobbler, I’m seeing a seamstress to turn dresses into skirts. I’m sewing up holes and not caring if it’s wonky. I’ve always been a knitter but seeing all of my clothes as a hobby feels like a continuation of that. Your wardrobe can be made exactly how you want it without buying anything new!
May 21, 2024
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Quite literally one of the most liberating things!! You end up looking at most pieces of clothing online and saying to yourself "I can make that", and then BAM you've made it on your sewing machine and have a new piece for your closet (while technically getting rid of ur old one!) It's sustainable and cheaper than thrifting on Depop if you're sewing with clothes that are already in your closet; you can just deconstruct them and use the fabric for whatever your heart desires. I've linked some fun YouTube tutorials for anyone looking to start!
Nov 21, 2024
simply the best way to upcycle imho..i have so many clothes with stains or holes that i’ve been holding onto so im going to make cool unique things to cover them up :)
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romanticise ur blunders & ur missteps, bc that is just part of being a creature. if u saw a duckling fall flat on its face and scramble 2 its feet u wouldn't judge the freakin duckling, u would think it was the cutest thing ever. because it is. we r just organisms in big ungainly bodies, and that is part of our charm. tripping over ur own feet is maybe the most adorable thing u can do. like awwhh u tripped on the pavement </333 this extends 2 social interactions 2. messaging exes that u miss them, making a joke that doesn't land, mishearing/not knowing/forgetting something, etc??!!?! SO SWEET. genuinely such wonderful & important & adorable things 2 do. i think this is maybe the best thing i've ever managed 2 train my brain 2 do. it isn't foolproof but it makes life a lot gentler.
Feb 5, 2024
just about everything that happens to you will be interesting to your future self/your descendants/archaeologists. immortalise your to do lists, shopping lists, packing lists, things that loved ones say, things that strangers say, the phrases you hear that would make a good band name. brainstorm what to do on the weekend, list your cravings, the songs stuck in your head, transcribe birdsong, etc. i track my periods & my finances in my journal. sometimes if i really want to take a photo of something i'll restrain myself and draw it in my journal instead. sometimes i take notes for uni in there, or draft sewing patterns, or sketch when im bored. journals are self-portraits!!!!!!!
Apr 21, 2024