I think most of my favourite things make the most sense in autumn: soup, tea, coffee, staring out of a window, scarves, hats, fungi etc. (ps. It’s mushroom season so now is the time to go on a walk and look at the floor)
1. Hoka Tor Ultra Hi Hiking Boots
I live in the UK where it rains all the time and it gets ultra-slippy and treacherous for pedestrians because of the frost and fallen leaves. A good pair of hiking boots/shoes can never go amiss and i like these because they’re super sturdy without hurting my feet. (i got my pair on eBay because they’re expensive to buy brand new)
2. Coffeenotes Layflat Notebooks
If you journal these are great because they come in fun designs and are made from recycled coffee cups. As a left-hander, i like how flat they lay when i write.
3. Valancourt Books Paperbacks from Hell
Valancourt Books are a small publisher who have a collection of paperback horror books with cool old-school covers. I’ve collected most of them and the best one is The Auctioneer by Joan Samson.
4. Good Will Hunting (1997)
I feel like I don’t even have to recommend this, it’s a classic and I watch it every September without fail.
5. The Sweater Shop
They’re an old brand that used to make really cool sweaters and you can still find a bunch of them secondhand on Etsy and eBay. (seriously considered gatekeeping these)
6. Twinings Apple, Cinnamon & Raisin Tea
I guess any spiced apple tea will do, this one is just my favourite and I drink so much of it because I can’t stand pumpkin spiced flavoured things but want to feel included.
7. The Shepherd’s Dog by Iron & Wine
Nothing is more autumnal than folk music and I consider Sam Beam the gold standard. This is my favourite album of his.
8. Michigan by Sufjan Stevens
This is also my favourite Sufjan album, there’s a theme running here.
9. The Ordinary Natural Moisturising Factors +HA
Not super autumnal outside of the fact that cold weather makes my skin dry and this is the only thing that works for me. Also it’s cruelty free!
10. Baggu Crew Socks
These socks are so cute and so soft and I definitely spend too much money on them considering they’re literally just socks.
I’ve realised that recently I’ve been wearing the same thing again and again. 501 levis and a plain long sleeve top with a big wooly jumper. I got massively tired of thinking of something cool and original to wear everyday. I feel comfy in my jeans and jumper. It’s boring. But I’m not boring. I’ve been doing more creative things and having more ideas and interesting conversations. I think it’s because I’ve freed up some creative energy I used to spend on looking nice. I guess the tech bros and Obama were on to something.
My whole job requires my voice to be in good heath so when I notice even the slightest cold I go full herbal remedy mode. I‘m not even hippie dippy about that stuff I just can’t justify using really medicine when I’m not even properly ill. so I stock up on tangerines, ginger, garlic, orange juice, echinacea tablets and rest like a victorian child if I happen to have the day off. Today I have nothing on and there’s a storm out so I am resting with a hot waterbottle with some vaporub on my chest. Gonna kick the cold before it even properly starts.
Something I used to do when I was studying English Literature was go on a reading walk. I would walk half an hour whilst listening to the audio book version, read from that point onwards with the physical copy ( sat on a bench or in a cafe), and then listen to more audiobook on the way back. It works great for big classic books like Jane Eyre. Thoroughly recommend.