Feelings are visitors- they come, we meet with them, they go.
Maybe a feeling is a guest for a while. Maybe we leave it in our inner home while we work, or play, knowing it’s there waiting. Then we meet with it again when we’re able.
It’s a delicate balance- on one end, stifling our feelings. The other, gripping onto them tightly to the point where we’re suffering. Ideally, we feel it to the point where there’s a natural emptying feeling.
I used to cling so tightly to my sadness, anger, grief. I wouldn’t let myself feel moments of joy, because I felt that would somehow take away from it. But when we are feeling those feelings so intensely, it’s actually imperative that we make space for Joy. Peace. Gratitude.
Sometimes we can’t do that- I don’t want to not acknowledge the very real experience of depression. I’m rather speaking to the many of us that are probably feeling a lot of hard feelings since the election. Make space for the things that feed your soul. Come back to what is right in front of you- the breeze on your skin, the falling of leaves, the creatures you love. Not all is lost. There is so much to fight for.