Feelings are visitors- they come, we meet with them, they go. Maybe a feeling is a guest for a while. Maybe we leave it in our inner home while we work, or play, knowing it’s there waiting. Then we meet with it again when we’re able. It’s a delicate balance- on one end, stifling our feelings. The other, gripping onto them tightly to the point where we’re suffering. Ideally, we feel it to the point where there’s a natural emptying feeling. I used to cling so tightly to my sadness, anger, grief. I wouldn’t let myself feel moments of joy, because I felt that would somehow take away from it. But when we are feeling those feelings so intensely, it’s actually imperative that we make space for Joy. Peace. Gratitude. Sometimes we can’t do that- I don’t want to not acknowledge the very real experience of depression. I’m rather speaking to the many of us that are probably feeling a lot of hard feelings since the election. Make space for the things that feed your soul. Come back to what is right in front of you- the breeze on your skin, the falling of leaves, the creatures you love. Not all is lost. There is so much to fight for.
Nov 13, 2024

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Feel them hard and strong Feel sad when you’re sad Feel mad when you’re mad Make space for joy to come through Don’t make yourself suffer, let them pass Make lists of gratitude Feel the sunshine Move your body Cuddle with a stuffie, an animal, a person Eat nourishing food Eat sugary fun food Treat yourself as if you are your own child, and you are your own mother. Be tender with yourself. It might take time, dear, but the light always comes back.
May 25, 2024
i’ve been where you are now. i hate to use the word gratitude journaling or whatever but truly taking time to find and appreciate the small bits of goodness in your day can work wonders. sometimes we are so caught up in our own worlds that we forget we are only one small part of something bigger than ourselves. be present and attune yourself to your senses. find moments that bring you a sense of joy and wonder or even just things that went right today. so much of our feelings of sadness are because we’re trying to escape the present, and the paradox is that being present is what will bring us out of that sadness.
Jun 26, 2024
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“Rather than letting our negativity get the better of us, we could acknowledge that right now we feel like a piece of shit and not be squeamish about taking a good look.“ - Pema Chödrön I’ve just lived one of the hardest years of my life. There were many days that I cried or felt numb or found myself praying to an interventionist god I do not believe in. In short, things have sucked. But there are also good days. Days with a lot of laughter with friends, or cuddles from my cats, or some new piece of art that heals me. It’s not all bad, just as it will never be all good.You have to make peace with this fact because there is no other choice. You don’t have to be happy about all of it, but make peace. Experience all that life has to offer and it will transform you. “Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing. We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.”
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Top Recs from @mossyelfie

This has become the norm and every day I grow more disturbed. I understand if somebody is behaving in a harmful way, that is good to document and put out there. But as a whole, it seems, we have become so comfortable with recording people just living their lives. I saw a video of a guy working and the caption of the video was that he was so hot, we needed to find him!!! Why are you providing the Internet with his face and location instead of just going up to talk to him? I saw another of two people on the subway, seemingly a couple, having a very emotional moment. How would you feel if you open up an app and saw a video like that of yourself? I don’t like this level of sibling society surveillance. Why are you videoing an elderly person with sad music dubbed over it to gain likes? It is WEIRD. Don’t even get me started on videos of children. It is WEIRD to use a stranger without their consent to get some kind of fake validation. Get a life. I don’t mean to come on here and share something so negative, I just don’t have anywhere else to put it and it’s gnawing at me.
Oct 7, 2024
It’s to keep us humble otherwise we’d be TOO hot/sexy/cool
Jul 3, 2024