I’ve met plenty of celebrities before, but this is one of those times where I was starstruck. Paris Hilton is one of those celebrities that has been so influential to pop culture. I remember being in elementary school looking through J-14 and seeing her face in the magazine or begging my mom to buy “The Simple Life” on dvd for me because I desperately wanted to watch season 1 & 2 when I was in middle school. So when I saw she was doing a pop up in Soho at Pacsun, I just knew I HAD to be there. When I met Paris, she was so nice. One of the first things she did when I came up to her was compliment my skin; which btw I had a facial the day before and well my friend Alexis really snatched my face, lmk if yall need the deets she works at FACEGYM. Anyway, after being complimented by the queen of Y2K herself, I asked Paris if she would do a video where we do the sanasa song. She agreed to do it and it was so fucking cunt