way easier than you think and very cool to potentially help save the life of a complete stranger. good karma (plus free juice and snack hack).
also feels like a good ritual to feel connected to the realities of your mortal human body. forced to me to take my vitamins and eat my greens before my appointment bc i was eager to pass my iron levels test (i did 💪🥬)
it’s stupid and perfect and lowkey one of the greatest movies of all time. it’s fun !! it’s california! we’re surfing and skydiving and robbing banks! what more can you ask for!!
i have 9 out right now and in no world am i finishing all 9 of them (including a 500 page oral history of the soviet union and like a 550 page one about the manson murders). but i really love checking books out, really satisfies some sort of innate consumer impulse in me. and i love having books around me.