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Join nunjournal and me at bird brain reeducation camp! Escape your gilded cage if only for a moment and allow us to brighten your day.
Episode 1: Escape the Pod
Emma Watson's pubic hair oil and Brown nepotism slay degree, jojoba oil, the struggles of yuppie pod life, the definition of birdbrained, Mormon mommy bloggers, backlash against aspirational girlboss lifestyle and pressure to have it all, linea alba, the undervaluation of feminized labor, the dehumanizing evils of food delivery apps and the status of gig workers as an underclass of people, Wall-E as prescient dark dystopian film, Dr. Hole and Ariana's border town upbringing, Julia Fox and Emrata's intellectual posturing, Your Fav is Problematic's twisted world that we're all just living in, cultural Protestantism vs. Catholicism, exercise as punishment, movement as hygiene, cankles, an exhaustive list of American Girl dolls and their lore from Kiddles Kidpedia, America as a country of failsons, trad LARPing, regretful parents, being dusty and crusty, House of the Dragon's swaglessness, Dr. Hole's Bridgerton trauma, retroactive victimization of Shelley Duvall and her legacy, Asia Argento's grooming scandal, and our excitement for our triumphant escapes from the pod.
Episode 2: Cackling Kamala
How ASMR could have saved Jeffrey Dahmer, Ariana's newfound interest in ASMR,ย Dr. Hole's misophonic rage, fundamental antisocial brokenness, and love for hot baths, Top of the Lake, Blue Maga, whether Kamala is brat, Ariana's cracker-sona Mackenzie, Trump losing his rhetorical sauce, Dr. Hole's Hillary Clinton hot sauce slay, reactionary rightoid delusions, Red Scare podcast host coomer sandpaper pussy and pelvic floor atonia, carnivore diet, inflammation as more than just a buzzword, the Ballerina Farms saga, why beautiful men look better without facial hair, Mormon soaking, upcoming buzzy trad wife influencer horror novel and film adaptation Yesteryear, and an update of life out of the pod.
Episode 3: 365 Temperate Girl
Dr. Hole's rediscovered hatred of pop music, listening to a song about getting dicked down so hard you can't walk in the middle of Subway, female welders, the rightoid monopoly on culture war issues and moral outrage, the arrest of living Roblox character Bobby George, salt of the earth libtards, GMO weed, potent fermented nootropic placebo beverages, adaptogens, Bella Hadid's brain colonizing bacteria, why Alton Brown is zaddy, and Adam Driver's GI bill Julliard education swag. Finally, Dr. Hole drunkenly rage baits Ariana about the perils of alcohol and the party lifestyle.