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I’m sick of feeling powerless so my new coping strategy is to not let a stupid system bully me into quiet despair. I’m learning how to use my state’s General Assembly’s online bill tracker and I’m subscribing to email updates for the agendas and the public hearings of the legislative committees I’m most concerned about. I’m memorizing all my legislators‘ names and emailing and calling regularly. Also: Check to see if your state’s Legislative Library has Libguides that explain in layman’s terms what bills are passing in your state and other educational/legislative resources you have freely available to you!!!
Nov 20, 2024
Who even looks straight in the mirror while brushing their teeth. To me it feels like the longest time ever so I recommend just walking around your place and stare at everything repetitively. I see photos of my best friends everyday. I know the placement of each magnets on my fridge by heart. Its guaranteed entertainment.
Dec 11, 2024
Even if just for 10 mins. I’ve been feeling guilty about not making enough time to exercise but damn girl just touch your toes for a few minutes. remembering every workout does not need to be the most high intensity, results-forward session. moving your body and being kind to yourself is the priority
Nov 20, 2024