Make fresh rice or reheat some rice. While it’s hot, just crack a raw egg in there and stir it around. Do you have scraps of veggies in the fridge, or a protein you like? Throw it in there if it fits the flavor profile. Add sesame seeds and soy sauce and you’re cooking with gas, baby.
Bonus; overnight oats. this one is great for when you don’t have time. All you need is jars and stuff to go in the jars. for a while my go to was this:
Get maybe 7 jars. Fill each with the following:
1/4-1/3 cup dried oats
2 tablespoons chia seeds
maybe Some raisons or a dried fruit you like
Matcha powder (I was using the Trader Joe’s sweet one, maybe 1-2 tablespoon )
Now put those aside. In the night, when you realize you don’t know what the morning will bring, grab one of those jars and add whatever milk, about ½ cup maybe. Or less I don’t remember. Maybe also some maple syrup if you have it. Also add fruits or whatever else you’d like. In the morning you will open your Fridge and say ”thanks yesterday me!”