i used to love domo so much in middle school bring him back
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Nov 29, 2024

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I could be considered a Gorilla enjoyer, but that would be an understatement. I adore Gorillas. I adore Japanese Macaques. This family in particular however, stole my heart from the beginning. It was April 2019. I discovered the Instagram account @genki_no_takaramono. Since I first laid eyes on Momotaro, 21, with his fluffy ass spread out on the floor, chilling in a very cool manner, I was sold. Later I found out, he has two sons. Gentaro, now 10 years old, and Kintaro, now 2 years old. Their mother is Genki, 36, and is an amazing mother. My friend Timmy and I have sent each other videos of them literally every single day since 2019, and have watched Kintaro grow from a useless baby into a little rascal who can hold his own against his big brother Gentaro. Momotaro grew up without a father, and watching him  learn the ropes of fatherhood with Kintaro was one of the most beautiful character arc’s I’ve ever seen. I strongly urge you tp follow accounts related to the Momotaro family and watch videos of them on Youtube. Please be nice as this is a subject dear to my heart.
May 18, 2021

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I have to take myself on a walk or I’ll get the zoomies late at night I have to drink water even tho I’m like a cat and can go days without it… I have to eat more than pasta and pastries or I’ll feel decrepid I have to be stimulated or I’ll binge real housewives til my eyes hurt… I’ll be anxious, feel negatively towards loved ones, and think of existential reasons I feel the way I do but for the most part these unmet necessities underly my agonizing condition
Jan 3, 2025
that is, free writing 2-3 pages right when you wake up. i am spiritually, psychologically, creatively transformed by morning pages. you think it’ll just help you creatively but i feel much less in my head and more out in the world after dumping my thoughts out onto the page.
23h ago