whenever i’m feeling stagnant, i take a shower. it’s an instant reset, don’t even have to wash your hair, it’s enough to just be under a hot faucet for 4 min
there's something so healing about water as an element. whenever i feel down in the dumps, i try to force myself to take a shower. i always feel noticeably better, more alert, and able to focus better. it makes me feel like a plant.
i usually don’t take my showers at night, but i had a weird day today and i didn’t really leave my room much… i just got out of the shower and i feel so good n new again! reminds me that you can hit reset on your day at anytime :) also i usually play music in the shower, but my housemates are asleep rn and honestly it was a good change of pace to have a shower with no music
are you feeling literally bonkers koo koo krazy depressed or anxious or immobilized by the weight of the world?? take a shower. be cleansed. sit in there for like 35 minutes if you need to. renewal.
great way to get a sense of a city, whether that be where u live or just a place you’re visiting. i also love seeing ppl make and share work outside of institutional structures. reminds me of how weird and creative we can be <3
today my friend showed me an archived and functioning version of kid pix on the internet archive. when i was in elementary school, we used to have computer class every thursday where we got to play with kid pix, i remember the little theme song and making images for stories id write. i rly love returning to it as a low stakes and low barrier way to make visual art :p