Everyone on here seems to love walking so much, and this tiny book about a day-long stroll is perfect for a back pocket.
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Dec 3, 2024

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If the weather is nice, I’d just pack a bag with a book, some water, a sketch pad (if that’s your kind of thing) and just walk. Take a whole day to notice the small things around you, to be leisurely, to rely only on yourself for company, and to reflect. stop somewhere for lunch, eat at your own pace, then just keep walking! hope you have a lovely birthday, whatever you do <3
Jun 2, 2024
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i have a little routine i like to do on certain days when im feeling empty, a little yearning, overall namelessly melancholic. i like to put on my coat and my book bag and my headphones, go to a coffee shop a few steps from my house, and get an early grey tea and a parmesan pesto stuffed bagel. then i walk ten minutes to the end of my street to this little place i call my own. it's a rock about 20 feet tall, two minutes walking distance from the road. from there i can look across all of the neighborhoods that defined my childhood, at the backs of houses and tops of trees and dogs in the back yard. i usually spend about an hour up there, reading or drawing or what have you. and today is the exact sort of day that calls for a walk like that. some rock time if u will. unfortunately, it's the middle of winter, as cold as a witches tit out, and i have plans from 10 am till 10 pm. usually i take that walk to cure the longing in me, now i long for the walk lol (pictured below; the only photo i have of the view, taken early july)
Jan 17, 2025

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