i have a little routine i like to do on certain days when im feeling empty, a little yearning, overall namelessly melancholic. i like to put on my coat and my book bag and my headphones, go to a coffee shop a few steps from my house, and get an early grey tea and a parmesan pesto stuffed bagel. then i walk ten minutes to the end of my street to this little place i call my own. it's a rock about 20 feet tall, two minutes walking distance from the road. from there i can look across all of the neighborhoods that defined my childhood, at the backs of houses and tops of trees and dogs in the back yard. i usually spend about an hour up there, reading or drawing or what have you. and today is the exact sort of day that calls for a walk like that. some rock time if u will. unfortunately, it's the middle of winter, as cold as a witches tit out, and i have plans from 10 am till 10 pm. usually i take that walk to cure the longing in me, now i long for the walk lol (pictured below; the only photo i have of the view, taken early july)
recommendation image
Jan 17, 2025

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that rock looks delectable!! i love a good sitting and pondering rock
Jan 17, 2025
alleywayflowers u get it!!!!
Jan 17, 2025

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especially if it’s one of those cloudless, sunny winter days. even if it’s colder out don’t let it stop you, layer up and find some nice park or pretty street to walk down. emphasis on layer up though, once you get walking and warm up you can shed a layer but if having cold hands will turn you back make sure you’re as cozy as possible going into it. I find it helps your mind to be idle and grounds you in the world for a bit. you don’t really even need a destination in mind, maybe you’ll just find a part of your city you didn’t know or take in a nice view, maybe you’ll even bump into a friend. put on some good music or just take in the sounds around you. I did this pretty regularly around brooklyn during the pandemic and along with being some good excercise it really does plug you in to your surroundings more
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a super unique and cool rec for u all... but i just moved from the Oakland hills to a more walkable area and !breaking news! it is completely changing my life for the better. at first i found it difficult to motivate myself but setting out my clothes shoes and headphones the night before so i can just slip into the fit and goooo has helped a ton. i also like to give myself little, informal quests to complete on each walk just 2 spice things up so here are some from the past week: - listen to a new episode of POOG or Seek Treatment (the only 2 pods i listen to) - find a blue box and finally mail that damn letter to Laura - re-fill bag of coffee from Ain't Normal cafe - call my BFF in Copenhagen bc time zones align at 7 in the morning - buy q-tips at Walgreen's some ideas for next week to pay more attention to my surroundings and connect: - bring my film camera and take 5 pictures - notice 5 birds, trees, flowers, plants, etc - smile at 5 strangers!!! - call my parents bc they're probably on a walk too - call my grandparents in India bc time zones also align... anyway. i love 2 walk now
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like a good night of sleep, a long walk alone can do wonders for your mood. when i get home from work i always like to tell myself it’ll be a quick loop around the park, but it inevitably turns into an hour, at minimum, of daydreaming to the music in my headphones and letting my feet carry me. looking forward to the spring so these long and bundled walks can become long and blissful jogs
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one of my friends is currently living across the country from me because of college. he's been back in town since late december, and ive seen him a lot since then. hes always been the sort of friend i can talk to for hours on end about nothing in particular. tonight, we played mgs 4 with a group of four or five others, then later hopped on a friend group discord we were both playing different games, and weren't paying too close attention to our own or each others. we talked about so much i can barely remember now, even just a couple minutes after disconnecting. some of my favorite nights recently have just been playing a game and being on call with a friend (both him and others). nothing bombastic, nothing to riotously funny; just simple conversation to fill the air and get a few laughs.
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