Sometimes I will lookup the music video for a song I like on YouTube and it will recommend some other videos to watch. I also will lookup the soundtracks to my favorite shows/movies.
whenever i hear a song i like i always look it up on this website and probably 80% of the time it leads to me discovering even more really cool music i most likely wouldn't have looked into or found otherwise
a recent example
If you can find one or two rando pieces of music, and start clicking on related links, you will soon be flooded with a never-ending stream of recommendations, most of which are gas. It’s still the GOAT discovery algorithm
This is a podcast about two black female scientist best friends that discuss the science of things. I loved this podcast so much and I’m sad that they don’t make new episodes.
There are a few things I do such as:
- Take vitamin D supplements during the gloomier months. My friend has been telling me for years and I finally did it and feel the difference.
- Any sliver of sun you see stand in it. Bask in it. We need it.
- Check if you’re dehydrated with the skin pinch test. If you fail, then get some electrolytes or coconut water in you.
- Go on a walk. Any physical activity to get your dopamine back.
- Delete all social media apps on my phone.
- A new one I’ve been experimenting with is soundbaths. You can either listen to YouTube videos of it or find a local class. Have tried this for the past few months and I feel reset.
- And sometimes you just need a good night out at a rave/concert where the music is so loud you don’t have to talk to anyone, you can disassociate and let the music drown out whatever is on your mind.