There are a few things I do such as: - Take vitamin D supplements during the gloomier months. My friend has been telling me for years and I finally did it and feel the difference. - Any sliver of sun you see stand in it. Bask in it. We need it. - Check if you’re dehydrated with the skin pinch test. If you fail, then get some electrolytes or coconut water in you. - Go on a walk. Any physical activity to get your dopamine back. - Delete all social media apps on my phone. - A new one I’ve been experimenting with is soundbaths. You can either listen to YouTube videos of it or find a local class. Have tried this for the past few months and I feel reset. - And sometimes you just need a good night out at a rave/concert where the music is so loud you don’t have to talk to anyone, you can disassociate and let the music drown out whatever is on your mind.
Dec 13, 2024

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ie. water, air, sunshine, pruning, noise water: - take a shower - go swiming - drink 8 oz. air: - go on a walk - open the windows sunshine: - get some rays, helps with dopamine! - consume some vitamin c - smile at strangers pruning: - clean up your space - take care of pending grooming tasks (haircut, paint nails, etc.) - do a task you've been avoiding Noise: (fun fact plants grow better when you talk to them or play music!) - listen to a podcast you love - sing a song - give a friend a call
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