Strip the leaves from the stems, bundle them and roll them up, chiffonade them, toss them with a liberal amount of olive oil, coat them in salt, massage the salt and oil into the leaves. Leave it a bowl covered in the fridge for at least an hour then take them out and add whatever other vegetables or dressing or ingredients you want to add. I love kale Caesar I use Molly Baz’s recipe because it’s written for idiots but I sub the canola for olive oil 😍 I’m inept in the kitchen and this is essentially the only meal I know how to make.
Brussels sprouts cut in half, tossed in olive oil and pepper, laid out in a single layer of a sheet pan and cooked until crispy 🤤 Also recommend buying frozen broccoli and steaming it in the microwave according to the instructions... Costco sells really awesome frozen vegetable mixes you can steam them or roast them. Don’t get too bent out of shape about losing some amount of nutritional value from cooking them!