I might be spending it alone in my room this year and i think i'm okay with that?
- cosy night in (imagine Jennifer Garner in 13 going on 30 with the face mask and all) + booze
- i can get up the next day without a hangover and work on my film
- do all the things I really wanna do: visionboard, ins & outs, journaling, ...
- dance party, cinema all that at home
- don't have to find a way to get home
- fomo I guess of other ppl being out and partying / the "experience"
- dancing out all night
- not kissing someone when the clock hits 0:00
sharing this feels stupid but also, not. like am I the only one? can't be right?
just booked a solo trip to seattle to see clairo on my way out to visit mi madre <3 and i have a fun dancing date this weekend maybe! making an effort to enjoy being young and cute and having no major responsibilities other than myself yahooooooo
i'm aware he's getting much more attention than before but not a lot people in my circle listen to loyle carner, so if i know you're listening to him, immediately you're cool to me!