mmmmm comfort food its so weird how i sometimes hear it getting hate bc of the smell? it doesn't even really smell bad and mm delicious... really great on a cold winter day, perhaps if you have a cold or are congested... love pho pho real >:) (actually funny enough apparently theres a pho place in charlotte called "pho real" -- amazing pun -- , my airbnb host was telling me abt it during my stay in January and I really wanted to go but never ended up going but if anyone is in charlotte NC pleasee go to pho real and tell me how it was i want to know 😭😭😭🙏)
Dec 15, 2024

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Pho is my go to healing food. Got a tummy ache? Have a pho. Brain running amok? Have a pho. Enduring a hangover from consuming too many pints with people you realise you actually don’t like the night before? Have a pho. It is calming and enlivening in a way i cant quite explain and the one I ate at Da Lat Vietnamese in Randwick is the best I’ve had since moving back to Aus. The noodles: slinky, misshapen, angelic. The broth: salty, sultry, fragrant, light yet heady. The thin strips of raw beef eventually cooked in the steaming soup absorbed the mint, the onion, the liquid: just right. And it’s worth mentioning this place is the perfect Nighthawks-vibesss restaurant. Grab a table for one, a crisp cold Singha and simply dissipate
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its so hard to even lock in in the first place but its great when u actually get in the zone bc you get so much done... just make sure to keep water and food near you and stretch 😭 ok this is also a way to say hi im still alive (went radio silent for who knows how long) (because this semester is KILLING ME) (THATS WHY I WISH I COULD JUST LOCK IN RN HELPP)
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