i bought one from Lidl the other day and have now relapsed into my apple turnover addiction. an apple turnover is a flaky, buttery puff pastry filled with a jammy apple filling... sometimes with a crunchy sugar topping... and a delightful confectionary! i became curious about the origin of the apple turnover, and upon some research, discovered that it originated in St. Calais, France in 1630! Known as the chausson aux pommes, legend has it that during an epidemic, the town lady provided flour and apples to lift the peoples spirits. The result?Apple turnovers ! There is an annual event to commemorate this historic event, called the Fete du Chausson aux Pommes... and you WILL be seeing me there next year ! Au Revoir !
Dec 18, 2024

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only four shown bc the other two looked a little funky (it is my first time lol and i still have to troubleshoot the pastry not puffing more). and yesterday i made mini spinach feta pinwheels with the other half of the dough and they taste sooo amazing this is the puff pastry recipe i used, the tarts / pinwheels were just me combining several recipes and eyeballing a bit so i don’t have a coherent recipe to share lol
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i’ve been craving them so much lately and if i had a car (and the ability to drive), i would be at an orchard munching on one right now. you can also get them at any grocery story probably, but nothing beats apple cider donuts straight from the apple orchard. i also like throwing one in the microwave for like 10ish seconds to get it extra warm n fluffy :3
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whether it's the kind you make yourself or the kind you get from the store, it's just endless meal and snack possibilities! i got a pack of cocktail sausages from tesco and used some puff pastry and a little salt and pepper to make a ton of tiny sausage rolls, just popped them in the air fryer for 10ish minutes and immediately had cute little canapes to put in my lunchboxes! i've also tried using that chicken and bacon sandwich filler they have (literally just a mix of chicken breast pieces, bacon and seasoned mayo) to make little greggs style chicken bakes and they banged! i'm sure it would be even better with handmade fillings and puff pastry but making tiny easy pastries to put in my lunchbox has been a fun little addition to my week that i'd really recommend!! best part is you could genuinely put in whatever you wanted - fruits, chocolate, savoury or sweet the choice is yours :D
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