if you told me six years ago that I would be a devoted follower of a bay area yoga couple I would have probably believed you, but would've rolled my eyes. But after regular practice, taking stock of where I started and where I am now, yoga has changed my life. I do like the occasional class, but doing it at home is so much cheaper and you can build a foundation to know a little more about what you're doing. They have classes for all levels and a paid Patreon channel if you want longer ones (75, 90, 120 minutesšŸ”„) I'm normally not into the woowoo stuff, but something about Flo's assurances that you don't need to worry about how a pose *looks* only how it *feels* makes all the difference. Focusing on your breath and his vocal cues help tune you into parts of your body you forget about. And that awareness reaches far to so many other areas of your life. If you're at all curious about yoga, don't roll your eyes or by a cynic like 2018 me. Get into it.
Dec 20, 2024

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