“how can a person know everything at eighteen, but nothing at twenty-two” life truly humbles you. as you start growing older, you stop only chasing the big things, and start valuing the little things too. being able to weave stories of experiences and begin applying them—integrating the lessons and learning curves. in the past few hours of being eighteen, ive learnt how limited our time on earth truly is. i was advised (perhaps even lectured) that i shouldn’t try to defy nature’s course with futile attempts to “age gracefully”, but to rather age with mischief, audacity and a good story to tell. beyond grateful for the love that surrounds me, and the love that i am bound to give out.
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Dec 22, 2024

Comments (13)

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Dec 23, 2024
Happy birthday!!!!!!!! Getting older is the best even when it feels terrifying 💖💖💖
Dec 23, 2024
maddogames right?! i’m feeling a mix of emotions but fear is definitely the most thrilling one. thank you for the wish <3
Dec 23, 2024
brb aging mischievously… hbd 🎂
Dec 23, 2024
care with all the audacity we can!!🤍
Dec 23, 2024
"age with mischief, audacity and a good story to tell" is some of the best advice I've heard.
Dec 23, 2024
0xc0ffee it’s scratched my brain in all the right ways!
Dec 23, 2024
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 22, 2024
tiff thank you lovely🤍
Dec 23, 2024
Happy birthday! 🥳
Dec 22, 2024
guyfaux thank you🤍
Dec 23, 2024
happy 18th! i'm turning 18 soon as well!! love the thought of "aging with mischief, audacity, and a good story to tell" so much... thank you for your words
Dec 22, 2024
jae omw when? i’m so glad the impact of the message could be transferred to so many other people. 10/10 recommend living our lives to the fullest from 18 onwards. thank you for the birthday wish<3
Dec 23, 2024

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May 13, 2024
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I turned 21 in february 2020, so, ya know. My world changed quick. But truly I just remember trying various things, trying to define and undefine myself. Feeling what it felt like to stick to my guns, then readjust them. I was in the middle of what would be a 2.5 year relationship. I didn't kid myself with picturing a big future anymore than what was sweet, which was wonderful. I was living with a partner for the first time and felt like I knew what to do, like I was experienced enough for all the problems which faced me. but really I was just experienced enough to start so many things. I was constantly bouncing between total pride and complete faliure. Playing house in a house I was actually renting with friends. Experimenting with what grocery shopping for myself meant to my life, redifining how I was going to live my days in the future. The best thing I did in my 21st year of life was not be too mean to myself for not committing, and just committing to new things. I would go dance in the park, go on walks, edit music. All things I wish I did on the regular but regardless, by trying new things, it made it so much easier to pick them up, because I had a frame of reference for the world. I loved being 20, as depressed as I was. That specific creativity is gone. But now I am 25 and know how to weild my own magic. The depth I have always felt within my soul has farther definition. Its like I put on glasses in a 7th dimention. Don't underestimate the beautiful growth ahead. Yes you are an adult, equipped hopefully to start so many new things. But keep up that internal work, and the years will be bountiful towards true inner peace. And soo many more new tools to better learn how to tackle issues while still feeling like yourself. u got this. stay true to urself but be flexibl with redifining who that is. x
Jun 12, 2024
the idea that you can only fuck up and express and be beautiful and destructive and explorative and constructive in your youth is simply a myth. you are going to continue to fuck up and you are going to continue to blossom. there's no linear path and structure on that. even people in their 50's completely change their entire lives. nothing is fixed and there is no path to follow. your life isn't over until it's over. this narrative that once you start to age you can no longer explore and express is an oppressive, capitalist, and intentional one. also, it's just not true. your responsibility doesn't have to be boring or restrictive. the reason why you become more responsible is because you actually care about yourself. irresponsibility isn't the same as freedom. irresponsibility can be "fun" but also destroys you. having more responsibilities to keep yourself safe and cared for isn't the antithesis to fun and life and expression. your feelings make sense though. in college it's easier to meet people and try new things. but ease doesn't translate to quality or longevity or intrigue. but funny enough, there are 30 year olds now that probably feel the exact same way about you as you feel about the people slightly younger than you. there is no such thing as free years in terms of spirit. expression and exploration is available in all forms at all ages. there are always places to go, hikes to walk, friends to laugh with, mistakes to make, good food to eat, art to create, fights to have, things to fail at, lessons to be learned, and love to be felt. you're only 23. you're about to enter a new chapter of your life where you will fuck up and you will have stories to tell, adventure to explore, feelings to express, and people to love. and that is something that will always be true.
Jul 11, 2024

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Jul 22, 2024
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