I encourage you to rip into me if you disagree because shying away from disagreement is what??👂 OUT! IN • Reading books • Folk-rock and folk-country • Doing stuff on the computer and not your phone like god intended (social media, online shopping, etc.) • Clothes-wise: colored tights, mini skirts, scarves • Being late to work • Talking to strangers, in the same vein: making new friends • Writing • Taking the bus and the train • Saying what you need to say and doing so succinctly • Unionizing your workplace OUT • Boring convos with coworkers • Wearing clothes you don’t really like • Minnesota nice (see also: being nice is not always the same as being kind) • VAPING OHHH MY GOD. WRAP IT UP!!! • Caring about makeup, unless you’re a drag queen or a goth. Like you get 15 minutes max • Shying away from disagreement • Fast casual chain restaurants - go eat local and sit down for a while • Paw Patrol (copaganda) • Ass kissing • Being under 25
Dec 23, 2024

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Jan 20, 2025
INS/ trend forecast  -funk/disco music revival  -late 60s- early 80s style comeback  -red  -face masks  -peel off polaroids  -stripes & florals  -physical media, DVDs  -adventuring in your home town  -tortoiseshell pattern> cheetah/leopard  -medieval revival brought into the mainstream  -gold>silver  -shopping mall revival  -signet rings  -meditation  -having your own thoughts  -sport: climbing (outfits worn as everyday style too) -handwritten recipes  -recording studios  -loungewear: grey varsity sweaters and black thongs  -honesty and kindness  -petitions and marches for things you believe in  -making the most of alone time  OUTS -men wearing carabiners  -embarrassment  -people taking to me about their situationships (leave me alone pls! i don’t have advice)  -flat shoes (sambas/ballet flats)  -speaking too loudly  -smoking (& vaping)  -overconsumption  -letting the far right take over  -drinking at every event  -driving lessons (only until they go right)  (any more suggestions?!)
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Top Recs from @erikrikrika

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I mean. Wow. I wish I could formulate coherent literary analysis but I think I just need to sit with this for a month. Humanity, gender, politics, fear, love. The heart of culturally long-lasting, impactful sci fi is when the sci is merely a background to the fi, ya know? Tried to pick a quote but can’t right now. If you hear shrill screaming in the distance just know it’s me wailing over this book Illustration by David Lupton
Jan 30, 2025
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I see we’ve been discussing gift giving! I wrote a lot… I have strong opinions I guess…? Anyway, I feel like I often don’t know/understand what my family members like, but there are plenty of things almost anybody would use. (Note that this is not the same way I approach getting gifts for my close friends). Let’s start with specific examples: ADULTS You could get them a higher end, locally made item that anybody would use. Examples include… • hand cream • aftershave • candle • bath salts • coffee/tea Also good are things that will come in handy sooner or later, and they’ll think, “oh, _ got me that so now I don’t have to go to the store!” Such as… • phone charger (a 10ft charger that will last a while is always nice to have) • that tea/coffee you know they have every day • pet treats, if you know what kind of treats the pet likes For sentimental reasons, your parents and grandparents would LOVE a picture of you, and they’re so cheap to get printed! Just thrift a picture frame and voila. Dice game? I’ve had success with/watched people fight over… • weighted or heated blankets • personal massager (no not that kind but I would love to see someone try that) • Candy, but like, good or rare candy. For instance, I am American and I won a box of hobnobs last year, they were so good *tip: avoid alcohol - you probably have at least one current/recovering alcoholic in any given room. Live in a cold area? Try… • again, hand cream • wool gloves/mittens/socks • balaclava (just finished walking my dog and the whole time my brain was going “fuckfuckfuckIneedabalaclava”) KIDS Kids in your life under the age of 10? Go to the dollar store. They’ll never know or care how much money you spent on them. I try really hard not to get a bunch of plastic toys that will live in landfills for a thousand years. I prefer getting coloring books, finger paints, plushies, and books for kids. I have been told that they always get used and enjoyed. I also wrap their gifts in newspaper instead of buying that stupid, waxy, non-recyclable wrapping paper, because they really don’t give a fuck what it comes in. I promise. They are going to rip it to shreds either way. I have little advice for preteens/teens because I don’t have any of those around yet. However, I am only 24, and I’ll say that I remember enjoying trendy clothes and money. Pay attention to them and what they’re into though! Or ask their parents! Obviously your 14 year old goth cousin does not want lululemon. If you do that, you will be proving to them that you don’t pay attention to them, and that’s much worse than just getting them a gift card or cash. I also remember my sleeping schedule being awful, which is a universal truth for all teens, so maybe a calming pillow spray or noise cancelling earplugs? GENERAL TIPS Don’t skip this part, this is the good stuff! The crux of everything I’ve written so far! 1. Back to “ethical,” there is no need to waste your money on non-recyclable wrapping paper, bags, bows, etc. You know, that waxy, kind of shiny stuff? Your loved ones shouldn’t care that it came in an Aldi bag or the same box your new vacuum arrived in a few weeks ago. There’s also something so downright chic about presents wrapped in plain brown wrapping paper and tied with a piece of twine. 2. Really good advice you’ve probably heard before but I’ll repeat now is, “get something that they would like and use but would not splurge on for themselves.” And then get the nicer, splurge-ier version of that thing. This is a GREAT opportunity to shop local and avoid cheap plastic things. 3. If you struggle every year with gift giving for certain people, try, in preparation for next year, to subtly write down the names of restaurants/authors/musicians they mention. I keep a list in my notes app that has saved my life. 4. In that same vein, don’t be afraid to get like, hyper specific about it— last year I got my uncle a gift card for the bar I know he likes to watch football at. Something I had 100% confidence would get used. This year I think I’ll get him a gift card to the butcher shop he goes to. 5. My final and most crucial piece of advice: always think, “would I be pissed about having another thing I need to get rid of if I received this?” Some examples: if you don’t feel confident that you know someone’s interior design/personal style well, simply do not get them decor or clothes. Unless you’ve heard them mention wanting to read it, don’t get them a book. This is stuff that will get returned, sold, or donated, so all you’re doing is giving them a task they have to deal with. Like the Kanye West water bottle tweet. *final plug for shopping local: keep in mind that Amazon workers in major cities are on strike through cyber Monday! You wouldn’t cross a picket line would you? Would you???
Nov 30, 2024
Even though it hurts like hell. Even though it’s wildly inconvenient. Even though you feel stupid or embarrassed for feeling it. Even though you’ve psychoanalyzed yourself to death and traced the issue all the way back to your childhood mistreatment. The only way out is through here.
Oct 20, 2024