my first + middle name is: arabella emerson (no last name hehehe you're not gonna catch me) when i was younger i used to change my name almost every summer. i went to a super woke summer camp that would let you put whatever you wanted on your name tag and so i was bella and onyx and oliver on an on and off roation for about 6 years. eventually i stopped because my mom found out and freaked out about me being trans, so i went back to being arabella for a while, and then in high school people started calling me by my last name (which was cool, but you're still not gonna get me) and then that evolved into me going by emerson, not for any particualr reason, it just sort of happened. my mom had less of an issue with that so i just stuck with it and it's what everyone calls me now. kind of rock with it also because people assume i'm a women less so i'm #showingthepatriarchywhoseboss but TBH with changing my name, you should just do it. like people will attach whatever ideas to your name change even if it's just from kevin--> kev or as jurrastic from kevin-->gabriel so you should just live your life. names are names, i understand the signifgances and nunaces to having certain names, and i would never deny anyone those, but when you change your name, you're not getting rid of the old one, you're just evolving. IMPORTANT: in changing your name, you are not wiping your past you're creating a new future. is that corny?
Dec 24, 2024

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i moved across the country right before senior year of highschool. decided to go by a different name. best choice i’ve ever made. it’s been about 6 years and im looking into legally changing it obviously it doesn’t have to be that big of a reinvention. something i wished i had done that i didnt is be true to my interests. no matter what you’re secretly interested in (nothing genuinely creepy or illegal), there will be other people interested in it too. no point in suppressing something that brings you joy. especially when there WILL be people who support and encourage you
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