I can’t believe Dan finally dropped the song after all this time! I don’t know Dan. Or who Dan is, really. But they say Dan’s upcoming record is a masterpiece. Everyone on my TL loves Dan. Or at least they say they love Dan. I guess I do too. Dan’s new song is good. So good that the first time I listened to it, I sold all my crypto and looked into buying a pony. Dan’s new song just makes me feel… I don’t know… beautiful. Maybe it’s all been done before, but I like it like this. Yep, lemme get one emo ballad with melodramatic strings, self-effacing vocals, and a gritty guitar solo endearingly afraid of overstaying its welcome, but make it Dan’s way. The truth is, you don’t need any context for the song to work its magic. You don’t need to know that Dan plays guitar in Porches, or that he once ran the most esteemed acoustic guitar orchestra New York City’s ever seen, or that Melody English did the backing vocals on the track. You don’t even need to be mutuals on IG. When you listen to “Across My Jaw,” Dan’s your friend.