I just finished another play through of the first game, and I can’t wait to play it again. If anyone here hasn’t played the last of us yet you need to. Such a beautiful and conflicting story that I want everyone to experience.
I always learn so much from playing Yoko Taro's games but this one hit like nothing I’ve experienced before. It actually pushed me to finish my album. It’s such a beautifully confusing story. A tale of androids and machines questioning if they are actually alive or not. With this you have to beat it multiple times to experience the entire thing. (Endings A-E) One alternate ending can be found within minutes of starting the game. The credits even roll but at triple speed. The hardest one to get “Ending E” took me about 40 hours over the course of a few months and It’s one of the greatest endings in any type of media period in my opinion. I won’t dare spoil it. If you like weird games and if you like beautiful strange stories about existentialism please play this
My brother got me a new Star Wars inspired dice set for my new/first campaign I’m going to be running next year. It was the most thoughtful and personal gift I received this year