such a beautiful film :) i remember watching this in 2018 and it left such a big impact on me. bonus: the movie score is SOOO good
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Dec 31, 2024

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painfully beautiful film. good god. go see this immediately!!! it will make you feel good. instant favorite. i can't get over the final scene - nothing new but beautifully done. beautiful is the only word i can think of. also has a very lovely (albeit small) soundtrack. reminded me of people i once loved. made the experience all the more bittersweet
Mar 2, 2024

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it's my 2nd day being here on and i really adore the whole concept of just sharing our interests without feeling the need to receive any online validation or perform. the people here are so inclusive and nice T-T i also like how i don't get the urge to endlessly scroll, as there's no algorithm driving the platform.
Dec 28, 2024
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i have recently started reading this poetry book by mary oliver and it is sososo beautiful <3 it makes me appreciate life and nature more. the loveliest thing about poetry books is that you don't need to worry about forgetting where you left off!! you can read a few entries and call it a day, and then just pick it back up again when you feel like it!! one of the poems i love rn: On Meditating, Sort Of – Mary Oliver Meditation, so I’ve heard, is best accomplished if you entertain a certain strict posture. Frankly, I prefer just to lounge under a tree. So why should I think I could ever be successful? Some days I fall asleep, or land in that even better place — half-asleep — where the world, spring, summer, autumn, winter — flies through my mind in its hardy ascent and its uncompromising descent. So I just lie like that, while distance and time reveal their true attitudes: they never heard of me, and never will, or ever need to. Of course I wake up finally thinking, how wonderful to be who I am, made out of earth and water, my own thoughts, my own fingerprints — all that glorious, temporary stuff.
Feb 24, 2025