i feel too inexperienced, in many ways, to answer this but recently winter(obvious i guess) has been great. if u r into walking u can ltierally just walk around at like 4pm and cus its so dark and cold no one is out BUT all these cool places are still there. see, when its just dark and just bare you can really see stuff for what it is. plus night light is so much more enriching and beautiful, honestly ive mostly ever felt love for cities at like night when only the fake light illumuniates it all. i bet by the time its august ill think summer is grand but for now u can sing and dance on the coolest street swagged tf out( all my favourite clothes are cold clothes(and layering is so cool like woah im just dressed normally but underneath im bundled like a little dog with a coat)) and whos on the street to judge you? nobody, because its winter.
Jan 1, 2025

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perfect for being fabulous, see u can throw on a coat, u could wrap a scarf but u aren't deep into the grasp of any temperament. I'm not freezing cold, im not wondering about jumpers or shirts i'm just chill asf. and when it's the darkest time still the lights r out woah- just splendifirous 🤩🤩🤩
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