i love solana so fcking much and i feel like a lot of people around me haven't listened to LANA!!! it's crazy to me.... do i think LANA should have been it's own entire album and not 15 songs added to the beginning of SOS? absolutely. but getting that out of the way... LANA slayed me BAAAAD. i've streamed scorsese baby daddy and BMF 50+ times each at this point alone. i have been a humongous fan of sza since CTRL, and i adored SOS. it's kind of crazy how she keeps getting better and better lowkey...... in my humble opinion. i think CTRL will always be the top dog, it's simply too iconic. but LANA, she's coming for her nachos.... my favorite songs are: BMF scorsese baby daddy my turn kitchen crybaby 10/10 project. an hour of sza's beautiful, sweet voice and real as fuck lyrics? yeahhhhh i'm living for it

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