all those packed, roughed up journals and dingy carhart jackets and suitcases covered in stickers you see on pinterest were not created by overconsuming a bunch of bullshit from amazon and decorating them in one night! they're were made from months and years of real and genuine love and use of the objects. curate your aesthetics slowly and more mindfully instead of trying to disingenuously copying everything you see on pinterest for an instant gratification. those tiktoks you see of brand new planners overflowing with random junk is not realistic and impractical. decorate however you want but do it genuinely for yourself, not to recreate an aesthetic you think you need. your stuff will look better in the end if you love it truly and well!!
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Jan 3, 2025

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incredible journal collection btw! just wow 🙌
Jan 3, 2025
yes. someone dear to me fell victim to this recently and my heart aches for their naivety
Jan 3, 2025

Related Recs

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U will accumulate these kinds of objects over a lifetime anyways—best that when they come into Ur life, they hold some sentimental value rather than being a tchotchke that just collects dust. Wall art is a bit of an exception to this rule—get that stuff framed (or do it Urself! A standard size frame, an xacto knife, and a little patience can go a long way). My most general advice is to be patient and picky. Don’t rush to fill Ur space. And a find Urself a little reference book for colour palette inspo to help keep stuff grounded (just use something you have already!)
May 23, 2024
i used to be very minimalistic in my teen years, everything had to have it's own place and be perfectly organized or i'd start twitching (something undiagnosed, probably. it's fine.) somewhere along the way i started to get very sentimental with my things, i think it came with the thrifting addiction. realizing how much value all those things have and how many lives they lived before i found them is just really interesting to think about. the things you keep says a lot about you, and what better form of expression than filling my space with things that i love and feel connected with? colors and textures that bring me peace? the world is a disaster so keeping small things to spark joy is crucial!!!
Jan 23, 2025
I really take all inspiration in this from my parents, but always have a canvas tote, either in your car or purse (ideally not one you buy, my dad’s were always collected from random ornithology conferences), and if you do have to take a plastic bag, it must be reused for trash or dog shit. old pickle jars should always store a homemade sauce, or produce that you’re now pickling. plant local nut and fruit trees if you have a yard, and always grow your own herbs. walk anywhere you can, especially when traveling. bike everywhere when the weather is nice. don’t buy replacements for things unless you absolutely have to. don’t rush to buy everything at once, you have your whole life to build a home, and it’ll be a bitch if you ever have to move. a home at most needs one tv, anything else is extravagant and corrodes the soul. read a book. try the library. you will not find the answer to climate change in consumerism.
May 19, 2024

Top Recs from @sbonifazi

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this idea of "you don't owe anyone anything" came about through the social media therapists that try to diagnose complete strangers with a multitude of issues and complexes. all it has done has made selfish people more selfish and divided us as a community. you do not owe everyone everything, but if you consider yourself part of a community, a society, you do owe everyone something. at a base level you owe people kindness, respect (as long as they haven't lost the right to it), and basic human decency. you owe your loved ones even more. stop being selfish and rude in the name of treating your so-called "people pleasing."
Feb 4, 2025
if one more person tells me to turn one of my hobbies into a business i'm gonna go berserk. is nothing sacred in this late stage capitalist hellscape?
Feb 3, 2025
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oscar wilde said, "If you want to be a grocer, or a general, or a politician, or a judge, you will invariably become it; that is your punishment. If you never know what you want to be, if you live what some might call the dynamic life but what I will call the artistic life, if each day you are unsure of who you are and what you know you will never become anything, and that is your reward." i remind myself of this quote every time i get jealous of my friends who have it all figured out.
Feb 1, 2025