I really take all inspiration in this from my parents, but always have a canvas tote, either in your car or purse (ideally not one you buy, my dad’s were always collected from random ornithology conferences), and if you do have to take a plastic bag, it must be reused for trash or dog shit. old pickle jars should always store a homemade sauce, or produce that you’re now pickling. plant local nut and fruit trees if you have a yard, and always grow your own herbs. walk anywhere you can, especially when traveling. bike everywhere when the weather is nice. don’t buy replacements for things unless you absolutely have to. don’t rush to buy everything at once, you have your whole life to build a home, and it’ll be a bitch if you ever have to move. a home at most needs one tv, anything else is extravagant and corrodes the soul. read a book. try the library. you will not find the answer to climate change in consumerism.