My neck has been a mess for the past like year and I didn’t realize that wasn’t normal and I started going to PT per my neurologist and friend’s recommendations and it’s been a real game changer. It’s also covered by my insurance so I’m not paying a gross chunk of change out of pocket which is great. If you have something wrong with your body and have the resources to fix it don’t ignore it!!!
my shoulders have been feeling pretty bad for like 4 months if not 4 years if not 10 years and I've never really committed to doing anything about it but now that I can walk down the street to PT and the people are so nice I'm actually doing stuff and I think things are getting better!
i have had consistent knee and back pain since i was 14. i have been to chiropractors and doctors and massage therapists and none of them have really helped and i was starting to believe that i would just have to be in varying amounts of pain for the rest of my life.
i started physio three weeks ago and my back pain is gone.
I took it in a canon rebel g that I was lucky enough to find at an estate sale for about $20 and it’s by far my favorite pic I’ve ever taken! I think the film is like fujifilm ISO 400 or something idk but I love the colors it brings out