there are things i think are weird  but it’s not that they are actually  weird  it’s that they are unusual  or they bring me a new perspective — one that i’m not so used to — like seeing an orange tractor on the side of the road  surrounded by three men in orange  construction suits  in the middle of the french countryside  or the fact that  at the beach yesterday, the foggy glimpse of land, the island we could see in the distance was the british island of jersey. it made me think about how the world is really so small  and that we, humans, are the ones  that make it seem so big and  vast.  we are the ones that over complicate over think over populate  over build over use  over dignify ourselves  when we are just merely visitors in this never ending universe. and somehow, in some  situations that idea is  safety and  comfort. it’s refreshing  to know that as messy and as complicated  our lives are, none of it  actually matters. because if nothing matters, we can get away with a lot. we can be mean and  crazy and stupid  and in love  and happy and hungry for more and sad  and lively and alone.  but then i remember that “we are not a drop in the ocean we are the ocean in a drop” and we don’t have to pretend that our  emotions are meaningless  and that our lives aren’t meant to be lived  and we aren’t meant to be thought about and  cared for and loved.  the things we feel are real and they hurt. they are painful.  they are beautiful.  they stay and they pass.  just like the fog that covers up jersey — just like the tractor on the side of the road — just like us.
Jan 4, 2025

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the idea that you can only fuck up and express and be beautiful and destructive and explorative and constructive in your youth is simply a myth. you are going to continue to fuck up and you are going to continue to blossom. there's no linear path and structure on that. even people in their 50's completely change their entire lives. nothing is fixed and there is no path to follow. your life isn't over until it's over. this narrative that once you start to age you can no longer explore and express is an oppressive, capitalist, and intentional one. also, it's just not true. your responsibility doesn't have to be boring or restrictive. the reason why you become more responsible is because you actually care about yourself. irresponsibility isn't the same as freedom. irresponsibility can be "fun" but also destroys you. having more responsibilities to keep yourself safe and cared for isn't the antithesis to fun and life and expression. your feelings make sense though. in college it's easier to meet people and try new things. but ease doesn't translate to quality or longevity or intrigue. but funny enough, there are 30 year olds now that probably feel the exact same way about you as you feel about the people slightly younger than you. there is no such thing as free years in terms of spirit. expression and exploration is available in all forms at all ages. there are always places to go, hikes to walk, friends to laugh with, mistakes to make, good food to eat, art to create, fights to have, things to fail at, lessons to be learned, and love to be felt. you're only 23. you're about to enter a new chapter of your life where you will fuck up and you will have stories to tell, adventure to explore, feelings to express, and people to love. and that is something that will always be true.
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