either you start digging into etymology and deep cut grammar rules and studying why they are the way they are…. or you write the silliest, non grammatical sentences you can think of and then figure out why they’re wrong and if their value is actually impacted by grammar
Jan 4, 2025

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Related Recs

write and talk in an ideosyncratic style. pronounce words in the way you like to even if it’s ”wrong”. spell with a flair for the creative. it will make u harder to understand but people love an incomprehensible mystique
Feb 10, 2024
Next time you write something, look back at it after 24 hours. Try to change any Latinisms to simpler, more Germanic words. (Change ‘fortunate’ to ‘lucky’, for example). Try to change passive verbs to active (‘we threw the rock’ vs ‘the rock was thrown’). If the word or phrase would be used in a corporate setting, get rid of it (‘in terms of’, ‘circle back’, ‘action items’ can be changed to ‘about’/’regarding’, ‘come back to this’, ‘things to do’ etc. Hope this stuff isn’t too obvious and is perhaps a little helpful.
Mar 14, 2024
hate it! constantly have to censor myself as to not look like a fool yet i also said what i said so solve the mystery of my words yk?
Jan 24, 2024

Top Recs from @its_just_kate

at least casually. don’t delete the accounts but don’t have the apps on your phone either. rediscover your love of reading thru the magic of recognizing titles strangers are holding on the subway. become a subway reader. don’t use sound as an escape from your thoughts/feelings/surroundings. grocery shopping without headphones is actually kind of beautiful! pick up a new hobby or two or three. one of them should be something you’re not good at, and at least one should be no- or low-cost. never. stop. learning. the library, the parks and rec department, and nearby museums offer great materials already but also usually have free lectures or courses. go outside more. like, a lot more. (took this much less literally, so apologies if it’s not what you’re looking for lol — as a narcoleptic I have no tips on how to Not Sleep since Sleep is basically my job)
Sep 30, 2024
keeps it funky, keeps it fresh! a book for outside, a book for downstairs, a book for bed, a book for the subway, a book for the bathtub…..
Nov 30, 2024