at least casually. don’t delete the accounts but don’t have the apps on your phone either. rediscover your love of reading thru the magic of recognizing titles strangers are holding on the subway. become a subway reader. don’t use sound as an escape from your thoughts/feelings/surroundings. grocery shopping without headphones is actually kind of beautiful! pick up a new hobby or two or three. one of them should be something you’re not good at, and at least one should be no- or low-cost. never. stop. learning. the library, the parks and rec department, and nearby museums offer great materials already but also usually have free lectures or courses. go outside more. like, a lot more. (took this much less literally, so apologies if it’s not what you’re looking for lol — as a narcoleptic I have no tips on how to Not Sleep since Sleep is basically my job)
Sep 30, 2024

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deleting social apps off my phone, best decision
Sep 30, 2024

Related Recs

or, if you have too much attachment, just really try to open them. turn nofs off and you can ween off to start, but I promise when you go to check ur socials to make sure you didn’t miss anything, you will realize you never do, there isn’t anything to miss. In the meantime, pick up a book! I have recs if you want (I stay far away from booktok books). Get a sketch book and draw, try embroidery (it’s easier than you think, I made a little frog and put it on a shirt), start reading the news, do crossword puzzles, clean your room, go for a walk, a drive, call a friend and my personal fave, get a cheap comp notebook and start writing. I realized I had trouble keeping a journal because I would put too much pressure on it and also bought notebooks that were too pretty and delicate.
5d ago
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I really struggled with all the unstructured time post-grad and my body totally flipped like what do you MEAN I have nothing to do and if I do nothing, nothing will happen? This rec is annoying, but as a skilled layabout, it really helped me overcome the whole “what do I do all day” thing and also the “why am I falling asleep at 3 AM and waking up at noon?” thing to make a loose schedule and try to adhere. If you’re applying for jobs, school, or even just pondering what to do next, think about:  At what time during the day do I feel most awake and alive? Then, block out like four hours around that window. I try to do 90 minutes of focused work at a time with like 60 minutes between for chilling. So, if you can start with two little blocks of working on applications or doing some intentional, focused pondering, great. Gradually, you can increase the amount of work if you want.  Then, plan the rest of your day around things you need and want to do - move your bod, eat, socialize. Things like talking a short walk in the morning to get some sunlight, going to the movies, and calling friends, lighten me up!  Keep it simple babe!  Post-grad, I laid on a couch for three months in stay at home girlfriend mode totally consumed by fear. I asked a lot of older people how they figured things out and they told me that nobody ever does. I like to do some meditations on intention and listening to yourself (linked). And I agree with capyboppy...try to stay present and pay attention to what you got going on right now! The weight of future is heavy becuase you probably want your life to be sick and meaningful
.and that’s cool.
Jun 11, 2024
When i say everything can be different i mean it ! changing your bed‘s position can give you a sense of difference in your day to day life. So let’s go slowly and expand that with little resources : Home : -Changing your room from bed position to where the desk is - maybe even change the whole room with the other siblings/parents. -As an outfit repeater i always try to put a piece with a different one just to be able to create a new out. -Art is your friend, try to sketch, colorbooks, craft, crochet, etc
 - Journaling with prompts, use tiktok and youtube to get prompts and start writing as much as you like - discover the internet, start searching new niche websites as a hobby, searching by itself is a hobby, use reddit to discover to world. - try new recipes with the ingredients you already have in the kitchen. - pinterest mood boards - reading books - get into movies, analyse the movie, rhe colorgrade, the technique etc.. - discover new music Outside : - try new roads - discover your city parks - register in a library - walk by the beach even if it’s cold - collect plants (either by taking pictures for a digital board or a physical one in your journal book) - watch the sunset with music on - try new drinks in your local coffeeshop - window shopping (you dont have money so what ? Just look at the items even try them, you like it ? Thats a motivation point to be able to save up for it for the next sale season etc..) - if you work or use your laptop to study, use the internet to make it more fun ( ex : search how you can navigate your mail box without using your mouse - search how you can write a whole email without touching the mouse - make your tables colorful - try a new style of writing - etc 
) - after work/school, dont go straight home, walk a bit, discover anything “new” around you. - before school/work, try to wake up earlier, get pretty for yourself, skin care routine, shower a bit longer, make your fav breakfast, walk slow to ur destination.. - ask around if u can do any volunteer work in your city. - join a book club - join a craft club
Jan 13, 2025

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keeps it funky, keeps it fresh! a book for outside, a book for downstairs, a book for bed, a book for the subway, a book for the bathtub
Nov 30, 2024
bakers look away I don’t have time for that shit
Jan 13, 2025