oh boy don’t take it personally, they’re just very insecure
my close friends’ roomate’s sister would do that to her and me just cuz she thought she was better than everyone bc of her job, all over compensation.
GUT wrenching — it’s the worst to feel forgettable! but comforting to remember how many times I’ve accidentally done the same to someone else, in a way
ggg and for worse, I always end up putting my best act to convince them they're mistaking me for someone else and that we don't know each other, cause how could i 🤡
I saw someone I haven't properly spoken to in over a year and still got along with him like we hadn't missed a beat, which was a nice reminder that no matter how much I've changed the person I used to be is still recognisable and lovely
every now and again i like to browse random thoughts on the P.I. search and giggle about my finds,,, feels like a hug (and sometimes a deep dive to the psych ward [thank you all])
it's been stuck in the back of my head forever (one of the greatest!!!)
"The real truth about it is no one gets it right
The real truth about it is we're all supposed to try
There ain't no end to the sands I've been trying to cross
The real truth about it is my kind of life's no better off
If it's got the map or if it's lost
We will try and know whatever we will try
We will be gone but not forever
Come on let's try and know whatever we will try
We will be gone but not forever"