one of the greatest party videogames of all time, right up there with mario party / kart, smash, etc. at first glance it is a game about ducks killing each other - and that is an appropriate literal description of what happens in it - but it's actually the world's greatest collaborative engine for spontaneous slapstick comedy.
blow up your friends with dynamite strapped to an rc car; hit them with a mind control ray and then make them jump into a sawblade; convert them to your religion and by reading them the Good Word (pictured); ride a chainsaw across the ground so fast that it literally leaves a blazing trail and sets you, the stage, and everyone else on fire.
it's genuinely amazing, and even after playing it for ten years i learn something new literally every time i play it with a new group of people. cannot recommend enough - it's $12 on steam and usually goes on crazy sales