The Wicker Man (1973) - my favorite movie ever. folk horror masterpiece. so beautiful visually, and such a rich text with so much to interpret and analyze its just one of those movies you think about for the rest of your life. Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) - unfortunately this movie has gotten a bad reputation so people make assumptions when you admit to liking it but I love this movie. I think its an insanely fun movie to watch, I love how itā€™s done with the fun comic book/retro video game style, and at its core is a beautiful story about love, change, and growth. Hereditary (2018) - I actually havenā€™t seen this movie in a long time but I really love the story, I think itā€™s a haunting family tragedy that transitions into expertly-done horror. I love the occult elements and the symbolism and Iā€™m badly due for a rewatch just for the richness and complexity of it all Goodfellas (1990) - my favorite mob movie ever. Scorseseā€™s masterpiece. like many of Scorseseā€™s movies, itā€™s about a guy hubristically ruining his own life, but its so beautifully shot and written and is so rightfully a staple of the genre.
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Jan 6, 2025

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first is mulholland driveā€” a movie that i just adore to my bones. everything about it feels like it captures the contradictions and dream logic of being a human being. next is cassavetesā€™ opening nightā€” probably the best on screen performance ever given. after a certain point, it felt like I was going through the scenes with gena rowlands. the conformistā€” beautiful, obscene, strange, kinda sexy? truly unique movie. close-upā€” never have i ever cried as hard to a movie as i did to this final scene. it makes you question whatā€™s real and isnā€™t, and then say you donā€™t care. such a beautiful thing.
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Top Recs from @bisonspider

study the folklore and myth of your actual local region. live your daily life under the logic of fairytales. communicate as heavily as possible in proverbs and riddles. humans are a storytelling creature and there is a reason these archetypes and motifs appear to humans across times/cultures/places
Feb 13, 2024
Substack that emails you the entirety of Bram Stokerā€™s Dracula in real time. since the novel is composed of diary entries, it sends you the diary entries day by day so you can read it on the same timeline in which it takes place. it started earlier this month but itā€™s not too late to catch up!! or you could wait until next may. classics can be intimidating but this gives you the opportunity to read it in daily segments in your email and follow along in an immersive way :)
May 20, 2024
lots of great recs here, but if you want horror that is more based in storytelling and has a bit more on its mind than just slashers or gore you should check out folk horror or older horror films from the 60s/70s. as others have recommended, The Wicker Man (1973) is a must. Rosemaryā€™s Baby (1968) is also a classic. The VVitch (2015) is also fantastic as an intro to more conceptual horror. you said you wanted deeper cuts, so check out Viy (1967) or Alucarda (1977), both of which iā€™ve posted more detailed recs for on my profile. also!!!! i donā€™t know how you feel about silent/b&w films but Nosferatu (1922) is an all-time genre mainstay that still holds up. Ari Asterā€™s work is great but itā€™s probably more gruesome than youā€™re looking for. have fun!!!
Apr 24, 2024