beautiful piano soundtrack although it is very sad. the movie is recommended as well
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by Arcade Fire and Owen Pallet so you know it’s good. lots of piano and violin that’ll whisk you away to your subconscious. subtle— beautiful, but not too distracting.
May 22, 2024
i have my criticisms of the movie but the brilliantly grating, ecstatic, soaring score is not one of them!!! i can think of few other soundtracks in such perfect sync with the vibes of the film
Jan 31, 2024

Top Recs from @altonbrownsrightfoot53

I recommend it.
I have have grown up listening to Dylan my entire life. Not all of his music, but damn near close. To me, it feels like a perfect sad hug. It may not make me feel better, but I'll feel less alone. But whenever I play his music in front of my friends they just don't get it. They look at me funny and I can tell they don't like it. I love my friends, and I think that they all have great music taste most of the time but now I'm embarrassed and wondering if I got caught up in the aesthetic of the music and he actually just doesn't translate that well decades later.