Semi-personal post but… We sort of knew for a bit that our daughter had some things that weren’t entirely normal. We finally decided to go get some tests ran and it’s turns out that she might have some type of autism or neuro-divergence. This isn’t surprising as I’ve always known that I had some things as a kid that we never got to check out due to our financial situations. After a long zoom call and a few hours of paperwork, our next 2-3 months are filled with doctor appointments and occupational & speech therapy appointments for her. Now, we have no issue with her being neuro-divergent or even autistic, but if I’m being super honest my initial thought was how this was going to throw off our routine and systems and plans and I had to stop myself and go ??? BRO ??? How wonderful is it that she’s going to get the help I never got!!! How amazing is it that I turned out fine without help; imagine how much better she’s going to be!!! So much support and so much help available today, so different than it was in the early 00’s when I was a kid!!! It’s a beautiful thing to adjust your perspective and go from what could be a defeating attitude to instead accepting & even celebrating the cards you’ve been dealt and not letting them defeat you. I’m excited for her and our family and I can’t wait to see what this process is like and how much better life is going to be for her. Until then, I’ll listen to her monologue entirely Bluey episodes start-to-finish because she memorizes them all??? Amazing. Wonderful. Love her so much.
Jan 7, 2025

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florinegrassenhopper riotgrrrl brendanooooo slowdazzle buck_mcgraw and indianjones — we did it. Not only did we successfully meet for drinks, but we also schemed the hostile takeover of this app from tyler tonight. In all seriousness — weird that an app I downloaded in April would make genuinely want to drive back into Brooklyn during end of day traffic for a happy hour. Great app filled with great people.
Jul 20, 2024
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Jun 15, 2024
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