When I was little, and throughout college, any time I ripped my comforter, or burned a cigarette hole in a shirt, or wore down the shoulder of my coat, my mother would mend it for me. I always felt bad - like I should have been more careful in the first place. she would still do it if I asked these days, but I try not to. I want for her to do more for herself, rather than for me. now I do mending for my job - not clothes but art, though I mend my own clothes myself now. Recently my friend showed me a papier mache sculpture he made as a child which had become very dented and torn over the years. for his birthday, I am fixing it with my art conservation skills. It will take a long time. I have been thinking of why the mending is love. I think it is some thing about care being poured into the longevity and wholeness of objects which are representative of their owners. it is very easy to be selfish with the gift of nimble hands- of all three possible actions (creation, destruction, maintenance) I think maintaining is the hardest and least exciting, but the most vital. It is the same thing we do for ourselves - to continue to be whole every day, to eat, to sleep, to comb our hair. It is the same as mending I think.
Jan 10, 2025

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this is beautiful
Jan 10, 2025
Iā€™m a tailor and whenever Iā€™m working on something I donā€™t want to work on I pretend it belongs to someone I love very much lol
Jan 10, 2025
soft baby I did not know you were a tailor that makes a lot of sense and is beautiful to know
Jan 10, 2025
Jan 10, 2025

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Darned socks are so cute - full of love and character. Darning itself is a delightful, and satisfying, simple skill. You can enjoy it on its own with deep concentration or mindlessly while chatting or watching telly etc. Mending feels good. I think of darned patches as a little kiss on the foot from me to my loved ones they carry with them in their shoes. I like making things last. I like well made socks and home made socks and darning them only adds to their value and helps to justify the expense. It also adds character. You can make your darning invisible like a lovely secret and you make your darn a contrasting or complimentary colour to announce proudly the mend. Both add character. I love darning my socks and the socks of people I love.
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Apr 4, 2024
She has some great resources on darning and she also hosts regular zoom workshops which are ideal. Also, I get a lot of my mending ideas from Orsola de Castro - her book Loved Clothes Last is a good introduction to sustainable fashion practices and clothes mending. I have been mending and DIY-ing my own clothes for a while now, itā€™s sooooo liberating and fun :)
Apr 14, 2024

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