ive found it helps to replace time you would be on your phone consuming content with other forms of media/content that is more likely to spark something creative - movies music books journaling - all will help your inner child :) good luck some recs movie: terminal usa (1993) (its on youtube) music: dean blunt discography books: percy jackson/harry potter series
Jan 11, 2025

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or, if you have too much attachment, just really try to open them. turn nofs off and you can ween off to start, but I promise when you go to check ur socials to make sure you didn’t miss anything, you will realize you never do, there isn’t anything to miss. In the meantime, pick up a book! I have recs if you want (I stay far away from booktok books). Get a sketch book and draw, try embroidery (it’s easier than you think, I made a little frog and put it on a shirt), start reading the news, do crossword puzzles, clean your room, go for a walk, a drive, call a friend and my personal fave, get a cheap comp notebook and start writing. I realized I had trouble keeping a journal because I would put too much pressure on it and also bought notebooks that were too pretty and delicate.
5d ago
1. firstly, i think watching youtubers who spend a lot of time alone can help, it can give you an idea of how to spend the alone time you have 2. secondly, alone time is really good for getting to know yourself and what you like/dislike, it also gives you a chance to think without any outside noise (people) 3. thirdly, alone time doesn’t have to be boring at all! spending time alone is really good for independence as i think it can help with becoming more self reliant 4. keep in mind that a lot more people do things alone than you realise - examples include solo shopping, going to art galleries or events alone, eating out alone and you might have seen someone when you’re out who’s doing something alone but you’ve not realised mainly because it’s very normal - go on walks and pick a new album to listen to or a new artist each time - start watching a film or tv show, you could make your own cinema experience by eating popcorn and snacks and wrapping up in blankets - do some journaling, scrapbooking or collaging, junk journaling is so fun and put on some music in the background to make it even more relaxing - watch how to videos for creative projects, this is random but theres so many videos on origami etc and other types of paper craft, i made pipe cleaner flowers not too long ago and they‘re very easy to make - watch something in another language, i love kdramas and watching them takes my mind off things mainly because i have to concentrate on the subtitles
Jan 13, 2025
- eat food that u like (bonus points if u cook a recipe, I find it very therapeutic) - dont procrastinate on cleaning - do it at the start of ur day and end of ur day (also therapeutic) - move ur body!! dance, walk, run, stretch!!!!!!!! it’ll help regulate ur parasympathetic nervous system - cold showers stimulate neural pathway development :) - be careful with what songs u listen to, make sure the lyrics aren’t..erm condescending bc I believe words u tell urself/listen to are very powerful. - pursue long-form media & hobbies to refocus ur attention span perhaps into a book, a feel-good movie/tv show OR paint, journal, sew clothes, make a bracelet. - explore ur city! pottery classes, farmers markets, botanical gardens, thrift stores, new park, new food spots - always indulge in ur appearance even if u aren’t going anywhere. Wear clean clothes, brush ur hair, be hygienic, indulge in skincare. :)
May 8, 2024

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