i actually did this a while back, and even starting to write it is a good way to start having this quality alone time. thinking about what you can include on the list is a way to understand yourself better, what you like to do on your free time and how you can make it enjoyable for you. even if you can't think of anything right away, it can become a list of things you'd like to experiment. for me, personally, it helps because (1) i love making lists on itself, so, as i mentioned, just writing this one was a good start and (2) sometimes i'm bored and not sure how to fill my day and i can just check the list and remind myself of those activities that i thought about/experimented before and enjoyed my time while doing them, even the obvious ones can escape my mind! here's a few things that i have on mine that maybe you'd like as well: - think less, write more; - move your body: learn a new choreography, exercise, get up and go around the house 15 times. don’t fight the urge to move, just do it!; - take more pictures and revisit the good memories; - draw what you see; the more mundane, the better; - learn new words of a language, imagine a scenario where you’re actually using them; - wash your face, use skincare products, stare at your beautiful face in the mirror for as long as you want. these are the veeeery simple and general ones that you can do without spending any money or that you can do right when you feel like just doing something. they are basically ways to start. but you should definitely try to write things that are more personal and fun to you! :)
Jan 11, 2025

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1. firstly, i think watching youtubers who spend a lot of time alone can help, it can give you an idea of how to spend the alone time you have 2. secondly, alone time is really good for getting to know yourself and what you like/dislike, it also gives you a chance to think without any outside noise (people) 3. thirdly, alone time doesn’t have to be boring at all! spending time alone is really good for independence as i think it can help with becoming more self reliant 4. keep in mind that a lot more people do things alone than you realise - examples include solo shopping, going to art galleries or events alone, eating out alone and you might have seen someone when you’re out who’s doing something alone but you’ve not realised mainly because it’s very normal - go on walks and pick a new album to listen to or a new artist each time - start watching a film or tv show, you could make your own cinema experience by eating popcorn and snacks and wrapping up in blankets - do some journaling, scrapbooking or collaging, junk journaling is so fun and put on some music in the background to make it even more relaxing - watch how to videos for creative projects, this is random but theres so many videos on origami etc and other types of paper craft, i made pipe cleaner flowers not too long ago and they‘re very easy to make - watch something in another language, i love kdramas and watching them takes my mind off things mainly because i have to concentrate on the subtitles
Jan 13, 2025
Start by saying to self: everything is fine. I am grateful, I am happy. I have all that I need. Listing things help alot too, they don't have to be big stuff, or special even. Just reminding self of good things that you didn't expect. And having health, looking well, having good food (generally provisions). Look at selfies from past and now. Things that help me see progression or improvement. Learn something slightly off or "not your thing". Talk nicely to yourself, the way you would cheer someone you love. Spoil yourself, and cut yourself some slack. Trawl https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/ Listen to music that makes you feel good. Work out, even if it's just a walk. Admire things you walk by. They don't need to be stunning. But the fact that you noticed, feels good to you. Talk to a friend or a stranger. Complimenting someone is like complimenting yourself. It reveals more about you than the other person. You can compliment yourself too! Caress your own face. breathe and say, I am loved, I am precious. Even if I don't know where things are going, I will be my own biggest fan.
Aug 23, 2024
When i say everything can be different i mean it ! changing your bed‘s position can give you a sense of difference in your day to day life. So let’s go slowly and expand that with little resources : Home : -Changing your room from bed position to where the desk is - maybe even change the whole room with the other siblings/parents. -As an outfit repeater i always try to put a piece with a different one just to be able to create a new out. -Art is your friend, try to sketch, colorbooks, craft, crochet, etc… - Journaling with prompts, use tiktok and youtube to get prompts and start writing as much as you like - discover the internet, start searching new niche websites as a hobby, searching by itself is a hobby, use reddit to discover to world. - try new recipes with the ingredients you already have in the kitchen. - pinterest mood boards - reading books - get into movies, analyse the movie, rhe colorgrade, the technique etc.. - discover new music Outside : - try new roads - discover your city parks - register in a library - walk by the beach even if it’s cold - collect plants (either by taking pictures for a digital board or a physical one in your journal book) - watch the sunset with music on - try new drinks in your local coffeeshop - window shopping (you dont have money so what ? Just look at the items even try them, you like it ? Thats a motivation point to be able to save up for it for the next sale season etc..) - if you work or use your laptop to study, use the internet to make it more fun ( ex : search how you can navigate your mail box without using your mouse - search how you can write a whole email without touching the mouse - make your tables colorful - try a new style of writing - etc …) - after work/school, dont go straight home, walk a bit, discover anything “new” around you. - before school/work, try to wake up earlier, get pretty for yourself, skin care routine, shower a bit longer, make your fav breakfast, walk slow to ur destination.. - ask around if u can do any volunteer work in your city. - join a book club - join a craft club
Jan 13, 2025

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