when i was a little kid playing chase, i tripped and fell on my knee on a manhole cover. it's the only thing that makes me think that i had a somewhat active childhood because most of my memories consist of me drawing or writing in safe and very still places. i tripped on that manhole a lot, actually, so what i really have is two scars, and both on the same knee! these are my only scars, i really should've avoided that little space of the sidewalk more.
Feb 24, 2025

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Top Recs from @joo

i actually did this a while back, and even starting to write it is a good way to start having this quality alone time. thinking about what you can include on the list is a way to understand yourself better, what you like to do on your free time and how you can make it enjoyable for you. even if you can't think of anything right away, it can become a list of things you'd like to experiment. for me, personally, it helps because (1) i love making lists on itself, so, as i mentioned, just writing this one was a good start and (2) sometimes i'm bored and not sure how to fill my day and i can just check the list and remind myself of those activities that i thought about/experimented before and enjoyed my time while doing them, even the obvious ones can escape my mind! here's a few things that i have on mine that maybe you'd like as well: - think less, write more; - move your body: learn a new choreography, exercise, get up and go around the house 15 times. don’t fight the urge to move, just do it!; - take more pictures and revisit the good memories; - draw what you see; the more mundane, the better; - learn new words of a language, imagine a scenario where you’re actually using them; - wash your face, use skincare products, stare at your beautiful face in the mirror for as long as you want. these are the veeeery simple and general ones that you can do without spending any money or that you can do right when you feel like just doing something. they are basically ways to start. but you should definitely try to write things that are more personal and fun to you! :)
Jan 11, 2025
lost access to my ig account a while back and i think it would've been way easier to recover it if i had cared about and setted up two-factor authentication before, so! maybe you should check that out
Jan 10, 2025