Besides the basics of being well mannered and respectful to everyone, keep in mind you are not too much nor not enough. NOT ENOUGH : requesting your alone time is not bad demanding respect is not bad refusing to be touched by someone who is not close to you is not bad not sharing your weekend with your coworkers is not bad refusing to give your socials to new people is not bad dressing casual because it feels comfortable is not bad TOO MUCH : asking for an explanation and clear reasons to something/situation is not bad asking your people to remember your birthday is not bad not giving your things (because you are a holder) is not bad being always organized is not bad demanding people to respect the schedule (to not come late) is not bad Sooner or later you will meet people who have the same values as you and you might even find those who will deeply love you for these traits so don't feel bad and embrace your "flaws".
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Jan 12, 2025

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I'm always worried I'm not interesting enough. I haven't done enough, I don't know enough, to be funny or to be exciting company. I am not silly enough or energetic enough. But I am also worried that I'm too much. Too demanding, too stubborn, too sarcastic. Too commanding, too talkative, too dismissive. I'm working on it but sometimes it feels that way. I appreciate and like who I am and I am confident. But in those insecure moods it does feel like I'm wrong in all the ways possible, it's not usually one or the other.
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do it for the bit! worst case scenario? they don‘t like you (thats ok!). maybe you didnt gain anything but you certainly havent lost anything either... actually id still argue that you *have* gained something by allowing yourself the self compassion to be imperfect (heh heh). best case scenario? you‘re with good company and as time goes on with said good company, you realize what you perceive to be flaws are really not flaws at all, but a part of the wonderful weave of traits and quirks that makes up you (and everyone else too!) just maybe with a little less confidence. rest assured, the confidence can be worked on. but attracting the life you want with people who inspire you and fill your heart with the warmth of 1000 suns starts with you being your most beautiful & authentic self! warts and all! weirdos n freaks rise up!
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i know im annoying obsessed with my inner morals. it can get in the way of play that some friends may want to engage in, but ultimately the closest friends r ppl who find play more pleasurable with me because it doesn't compromise our humanity we r building. it doesnt have to be serious when everything is serious if you are surrounded by people that make you into a better you.... aka don't get so mad at yourself for "not fitting in" for something that feels weird to you. You are you and meant to connect w individuals, Not friendgroups. "find your people, not your community"
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I can’t find the Creator and i am mad about it because i wanna credit the one who made sure to put this for free. I’ve found this website RetroPrint where they show the details of how you can make a Windows 95 customised theme on your phone (with over 800 icons app to choose from 27 of them are already made for the modern apps like netflix twitter etc - some graphics for the widgets too And 3 sounds.)
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The fact that i can stay in bed warm with my phone or laptop and music in the background as i watch my favourite movies/series/youtube vids with a warm tea is simple enough to make me grateful for wherever i am today. Worrying about what I should wear to work is a beautiful thing because it’s a privilege that sadly some people can’t afford :( Complaining about to cook is a beautiful thing because someone somewhere sadly can’t even afford/have access to a simple bread piece. Literally feeling the warmth of the sun while standing waiting for the bus is a beautiful thing to cherish and be grateful for.
Jan 11, 2025