I know the feeling been trying to figure out this woman's hat for years (or at this point, where i could buy the exact same one), so your current mentality is my goal in life hahaha
recommendation image
Jan 13, 2025

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This hat is so cute! I love that style and the cabling is so satisfying!
Jan 14, 2025

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I'm going to the bagel store today and I'm buying a plain bagel, toasted, dry. I'm crazy like that. I'm unfortunate in that I deny myself the pleasures of cream cheese, sesame seeds, "everything," etc; but I know to savor hot bread. Admittedly I show up to the counter and feel so much shame. You can only go "just hot bread, really" and chuckle it off until it stops being funny and registers as strange. I don't really want to be the bread guy but it's just who I am right now. And truthfully I know I'm not doing anything to change it anytime soon. Anyways I highly recommend Knickerbocker Bagel. They make great bread.
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it's totally cool to age and society still isn't equipped to deal with that.
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Sometimes you try your best and everything seems to hit the fan no matter how much you try, so you take that raincheck and take yourself out for a day.
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