This is the 2nd sweater I ever made (I’ve made like 8 now and I’m working on a 9th). I used that crochet cat afghan pattern by sarah miller maxfield but did a knit version and made it into a sweater. bee and puppycat-inspired color palette. this was in 2021 and my knitting was not very good (and in retrospect this was far too ambitious of a project for my level at the time). but I still have it and I still wear it, it’s a treasure. as far as my “signature projects” go, this is definitely one of them.
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Jan 13, 2025

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ooh so cute! I can see the inspiration! I'd love to see one of your recent sweaters too to see the growth. Colorwork is next on my list! I just got a book with colorwork charts and another with Japanese knitting stitches. I also just got these wonderful PDFs from etsy with beautiful Japanese knitwear. The silhouettes and colorwork are all so *chefs kiss*
Jan 14, 2025
mimsyotoole for sure! I’m working on an adjusted pattern for one of the sweaters in Viking Knits by Lasse Matberg. its slow going but will post when done 👍 colorwork gives me a headache but i’ve been getting used to knitting English style so I can hopefully get better at colorwork.
Jan 14, 2025

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