i’m loving bugs atm
recommendation image
Jan 14, 2025

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something about being that size is so incredibly appealing to me. imagine seeing litter being like omg a new interactive art installation 🥰
Feb 13, 2024
Despite my past fears, I have spent the last year leaning to love bugs. Researching bugs and looking for them on my walks and noticing noticing noticing. Things are less scary when they aren’t unknown! The world is more beautiful when you appreciate the things that make it work! To be alive is to be in community with the wild world around us! Bugs are cool!

Top Recs from @stinkp00pbella

this has been taken from this instagram reel! this only works properly for people with middle names. if you dont have a middle name, i guess you wont have any green in your colour (sadly) 1st step: write your first, middle and last name, and allocate the letters to their number that they appear in the alphabet. for example, my name is isabella, so the numbers i'd have are i: 9 s: 19 a: 1 and so on… do this for all letters in your first, middle and last name! 2nd step: add them up! my first name adds up to 61 (all letters in isabella added up). do the same for your middle and last name, and you should be left with 3 different sets of numbers. 3rd step: times each number by 4. eg, 61 x 4 = 244. the numbers CANNOT go over 255, as thats the limit for each colour (RBG). if you have a number go over 255, you need to minus 256 until it is under 255. here are mine: 61 - 244 58 - 232 78 - 312 - 256 = 56 (here i have taken away 256 from 312, because it goes over the 255 limit, therefore making my last name as 56) 4th step: add your 3 codes into a hex code generator online! my hex code: #F4E838 you can add your hex code in this website to have a name assigned to your colour as well!
Sep 30, 2024