separate your to do list into what does and doesn’t require a screen, and do those lists separately means you aren’t constantly bouncing between a screen and the material world. Bonus points if your screenless list is completed without any music or podcasts or anything at all. You’re hiding your true power level by blocking all your thinking with consumption!! posting a neoluddite rec on pifyi is basically reaction farming I’ve realised but I’m NOT that cynical I promise
Jan 15, 2025

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I think defensively and preemptively considering it reaction farming is social media-poisoned in and of itself, what you're participating in is culture building, encouraging each other, developing practices. we are basically in long term mindwar with the corporations driving the attention economy and it is not a fair fight. we are severely outgunned. so being together and improving morale as we fight along is a good thing :)
Jan 15, 2025

Related Recs

I LOVE limiting screen time because I become hypersensitive to how used I am to using easy entertainment as a crutch to keep from dealing with my own discomfort. A professor of mine always used to talk about how screens keep us from reaching rock bottom of our souls. From really knowing ourselves, our minds, and most of all Boredom. And I think there’s a ton of merit to that thought. it made me focus on letting myself get real bored by not being on screens. ive found it opens up the door to my own thoughts and creativity, but also lets me fill that time with other things. Looking around, going on walks, reading books, writing. Things that might be distractions, but they fill my soul up instead of draining it. ideas emerge from my mind much easier, or maybe it is just easier to pull them out of my mind without the yucky film screens wrap all my thoughts in. One thing I recommend doing is turning phone grayscale on by turning color filters on and reducing white point. You can make it an accessibility shortcut so it’s easy to switch between color and b&w screen but it makes my phone in general feel much less like a weapon against my eyes and brain. And, frankly, it makes scrolling less beautiful than the real world. Like I could either look at this sad little light box fake world or THIS ONE IM LIVING IN. I also just can't overstate how much I love being off instagram. I get to ask friends who I really care about what theyre up to, they tell me real things about their lives instead of the polished version, I share the same back. I don't feel like I have to keep up or worry if I dont want to. And I honestly feel happy to not be faced with a divisive algorithm and stupid reels sucking me in. It just feels like the kind thing to do for my mind. I know this is a dissertation but I’m really passionate about this initiative LOL.
Jun 1, 2024
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i have been on a journey to untangle my tasks from my iPhone. i'd be out in the world someplace, pull out my phone for something as menial as checking the time, or as well intentioned as capturing the moment in a pic, and immediately get sucked into texts and instagram™️ and all the virtual things happening in this tiny lil demon light box. the goal: pull my phone out of my bag ONLY for phone things. that's texting, calling, and apps that can't be replaced the solutions so far: 🕰️ i started with a watch (shoutout Casio) and i wear it every day. once I broke the habit of checking my phone for the time, I felt legitimately freed from something Major 📷 I bought a small digital camera to leave in my bag. the pics look better and I don’t get distracted by the virtual world when I'm trying to capture something in the now 📚 I bought a kindle. It fits in my jacket pocket (literally) and gives me something to do when I'm on the train or waiting for an appointment that isn't scrolling I just realized so much of the time I spent on my phone was not intentional. It was a thing I was doing in between Other intentional moments. my screen time is still several hours a day (don’t get me wrong) but I think my brain has healed at least 3%. welcoming other ideas as well💡
Sep 24, 2024
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I tried a digital detox this week for 10 days ( also no wifi ) it was weird at first I felt so bored anyways I found myself reading books ( I read the pivot year and another French book ) , enjoying my Selfcare routines , journaling , read saved articles it was fun and also I started using my notes app more and Omg I couldn’t stop making lists for anything and everything that comes to my mind it’s like a brain dump I loved it today I used less socials I watched a movie , had a one hour study sesh , yummy homemade crepes in the afternoon , journaled a bit it was fun and I barely had the urge to open tiktok ( I’m a tiktok addict ) but short form content isnt fun anymore I mean tiktok is cool but I’m more obsessed with long form content recently so yeah will def try more digital detox days Here’s a list of perfumes / perfumes notes recs ( I love browsing on fragrantica for hours )
Dec 23, 2024

Top Recs from @st9n

get da NTS app or whatever radio station u fuck with and just put that on in the morning. ya your brain might want stimulation before u can get out of bed but it doesn’t need instagram reels level shit. Just some fresh music is sometimes all u need
Feb 20, 2025
In a post-blokecore world, I see swag academia as the next juxtaposition-based aesthetic trend. Think Jstor tattoos, studying whilst wearing Kreayshawn-type thick rim glasses, etc. much to be mined at the confluence of these styles, and it would allows one to indulge in academic styles without sliding into the cringe of dark academia
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