i hate saying “i have to go to the toilet” or “i have to go to the bathroom”, sounds too vulgar and clinical respectively. Saying that you’re going to “the loo” though is both sophisticated and adorable.
my solution for most situations. sad? have a cup of tea. tired? have a cup of tea. had a great day? no better way to end it than with a strong cup of tea. i use joko (a South African tea brand) and add two sugars and milk.
I love stuff and i love hanging onto things. I love that i have a stack of letters my friends and i wrote and passed back and forth in class at 13 years old. I love that i still have the fake menu my best friend and i made when we were 8 for our fake restaurant that only served bug-based dishes. I love that i have a drunk love note scrawled on toilet paper at 3 in the morning in 2012. seemingly meaningless things like this from my past help remind me that I’ve actually led a wonderfully full life despite often feeling like I’ve not done enough.